Sunday, July 29, 2018

[Sunday Variety Roundup] All the Butlers (Actor Lee Deok Hwa), 1N2D

NOTE: For those who aren't familiar with Lee Deok Hwa, he's considered a veteran actor/talent. Lately, he's been coming out on 'City Fishers' with Lee Kyung Kyu and Microdot. His father, Lee Ye Choon, was also an actor but he passed away at the early age of 58 years old. Lee Deok Hwa was involved in a motorcycle accident in 1977 (when he was 25) and the shock from learning that his son was involved in an accident worsened Lee Ye Choon's hypertension issues and that worsened his health problems which ultimately led to his early death. Lee Deok Hwa has felt guilty about basically being the cause of his father's untimely death that he didn't visit Paraho Lake for 40 years after his father passed because he just had a lot of his feelings and thoughts built up. He finally visited the lake with the 'All the Butlers' team. Yang Se Hyung also opened up about the death of his father in this episode. 

1. [+2148, -33] I cried a lot while watching. Up until now, I just saw him as another person but through 'All the Butlers', I thought that he was a really cool person. I hope he begins taking care of his health for his children. I'll always support you ^^

2. [+850, -18] When his son cried, I teared up.. ㅠ (t/n: Lee Deok Hwa's son works as his manager)

3. [+452, -25] It was touching, you are honestly a warm person, I also always watch 'City Fishers'. His chemistry with Lee Kyung Kyu is also good and when he also sings sometimes, it's nice to hear. Please be healthy 

4. [+424, -10] The story about the instant coffee and when Lee Deok Hwa-nim and his son cried, seriously ㅠㅠㅠ I felt a lot of things today (t/n: Lee Deok Hwa talked about how his father wasn't good at expressing his feelings and when they went fishing one time, Lee Deok Hwa stayed up all night at the lake to catch at least something. His father came to check up on him during the early morning when the lake was covered in fog and brought instant coffee with him in a tumbler. Instead of giving him a cup right there and then, he went to the other fishermen and each gave them a cup and once he was done sharing the coffee, he came to Lee Deok Hwa - look at the tumbler and said something like: "Look, we have one cup left just enough for you" and gave him the last cup ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ)

5. [+217, -23] I seriously cried without me knowing... 

6. [+172, -8] When he gave the instant coffee to his son at Paraho Lake like the way he received it from his father, I seriously bawled by eyes out ㅠㅠ I cried even more because Yang Se Hyung cried    

1. [+686, -10] Shinhwa has relationships with almost all of the 1N2D members so I feel like it's not going to be awkward and it's going to be fun. ♡ Going to watch 1N2D's Shinhwa episode live~~~~!!!!!!!

2. [+243, -12] If Shinhwa comes out, it's a must to watch it live ♡♡♡♡♡♡

3. [+179, -27] Dong Gu's beauty is working hard..♡

4. [+140, -6] Daebak! While watching, I was surprised because they said Shinhwa was coming out. Amongst the existing idols, there's no idol that can follow Shinhwa at variety shows, I'm looking forward to it

5. [+110, -3] I laughed so much today ㅋㅋ The variety show newbies are so funny. Especially Tiger JK and Bae Myung Ho, they're really cute and even funny. I hope we can see them more often on variety shows~ ^^    

Sunday, July 22, 2018

[Weekend Variety Roundup] Running Man (Mission Impossible: Fallout), Omniscient Interfering View, 1N2D

1. [+2569, -59] From the start, they would never have been able to play the name tag game within an hour, please know something first before you talk and don't whine about why they're not playing the name tag game and what not..... If they're going to play the name tag game, they would have to spend an entire day setting up the rules, playing it, and ripping it, how can you think that they can do all that within an hour? The time they were given was an hour and during that time, if they were able to do an interview and three games, isn't that a generous show? When do you think you're going to see those three on a Korean variety show.....And today's content too, it came out nicely compared to the fact that it was an hour worth of footage 

2. [+1204, -17] It's a shame that they weren't able to play the name tag game but I think they did a good job with top actors who have a busy schedule ㅋㅋㅋㅋ They did a good job on using in-ears to not lose time with translating/interpreting 

3. [+659, -9] Their casting skills are amazing 

4. [+535, -22] Yoo Jae Suk and Tom Cruise steel delivery container game daebak ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+472, -14] But there aren't much games they can play during that short amount of time, it just feels like they easily ended it well 

1. [+660, -8] Seriously, even when a guy sees him, that face is... Wow.. 

2. [+557, -11] It's really a shame that they couldn't play the name tag game because they only had an hour 

3. [+526, -10] Henry Cavill is really handsome~~ 

t/n: They donated all of their performance/appearance fee they earned from their CF

1. [+2468, -12] Wow Lee Young Ja's class is really cool  

2. [+813, -11] Young Ja nuna, let's go for an end of the year daesang-!

3. [+576, -2] I thought it was really amazing, the fact that she donated all of her appearance fee and gave extra, she's really a cool person who gives back the love she receives

4. [+367, -14] I think it's right to give her a daesang this year 

5. [+255, -10] This year's daesang nominee?  

1. [+978, -13] Park Sung Kwang seems like a really good person.. 

2. [+428, -5] You can tell that the manager was really doing her best, she's nice. If you always think about the original intention and work, you'll for sure succeed 

3. [+318, -9] Because Park Sung Kwang is nice, that must be why Park Ji Sun used to like him in the past. The manager is also pure and cute. 

4. [+193, -4] Manager Lim Song seems pure and nice... Seeing her doing her best at her work is really nice to see... Never forget your original intention and even if it's hard, I hope you overcome it and become successful~~ Park Sung Kwang and Lim Song, I hope you two can film a commercial together and become successful~~

5. [+115, -7] The manager is nice and pure and it seems like she's overflowing with passion and Park Sung Kwang also seems like a nice person :)     

1. [+292, -7] To be honest, they didn't do much in yesterday's episode but introduce them but it was so fucking funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The guests are all likable 

2. [+173, -3] It's hard to see Lim Ju Hwan on variety's really a variety show newbie special. Looking forward to next week~ 

3. [+91, -11] Jung Joon Young's big picture for the seventh member Go Young Bae

4. [+43, -1] Lim Ju Hwan is funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋ he's handsome too     


Monday, July 16, 2018

[SPOILERS!!!][ddoboja reviews] Miss Hammurabi

When it comes to Korean dramas, procedural and medical dramas are usually a hit or a miss for me. Often, I feel as if the drama uses the setting of a hospital, police department, or a court room as the background for the main love line. And that sucks especially for viewers like me who would rather have episodes focused on the cases than episodes focused on the love lines between the two leads. When I first saw teasers for 'Miss Hammurabi', I didn't have high expectations. Although Sung Dong Il is one of my favorite actors I can trust to watch, I had mixed feelings about Go Ara and Kim Myung Soo (L). Go Ara isn't a bad actor but she does have the tendency where her acting seems the same in every drama she comes out in and her acting sometimes seems exaggerated, especially during her crying scenes. With Kim Myung Soo, all I knew him was for being L from the boy group Infinite. I remember seeing him in 'The Master's Sun' and 'My Lovely Girl' but his acting wasn't memorable in either dramas. So with 'Miss Hammurabi', I expected Sung Dong Il to pull most of the weight and expected the typical procedural drama. But what I ended up getting was one of the best Korean legal dramas I've ever watched.

The reason I believe 'Miss Hammurabi' worked out so well was because it's written by an actual judge. The cases and situations presented in the drama did a really good job at portraying how Korean society currently is. Some of the most memorable topics for me were: sexism in the workplace, chaebols pulling strings and being stronger than the judges, and the characters going through their own moral issues. With the cases in this drama, I think it did a really good job at presenting both sides of the victim's perspective and the perpetrator's perspectives. With the issue regarding sexism in the workplace, the viewer would obviously root for the female employee who experiences a miscarriage after being worked too hard. The drama talks about how female employees are now cautious about marrying and becoming pregnant because they don't want to be seen as a burden to their coworkers. The obvious "villain" in this situation is the chief who overworks the female employee but then at the end, you realize that he's so hungry for success because that's his form of validation. The final scene of that episode also gave me chills because we see the female bailiff (portrayed by Lee Yea Eun) feeling threatened by a group of men although a few minutes ago, she was showing off her martial arts skills to the friends she was drinking with and showing how tough she was. This scene just made me really sad because I think it perfectly depicted how at times women can feel really vulnerable around men no matter how strong we think we are...  

I was also shocked by how the drama showed their characters experiencing their own moral issues. The most memorable for me was Im Ba Reun (portrayed by Kim Myung Soo) using personal connections and his status as a judge to have his school friend pull some strings at the hospital so that his mother could get a check up faster. In that moment, all Ba Reun cared about was his mom, he didn't care if other patients waited longer than him. He realizes what he did when the doctor who examines his mother points out the fact that the patients that came before him are in extreme pain and they waited even longer than he did. Im Ba Reun is left feeling disgusted by himself and cries while apologizing to the people he cut in front of. 

I believe this is why the drama worked so well as a legal drama. Its main focus wasn't on the love line between Im Ba Reun and Park Cha Oh Reum (portrayed by Go Ara), instead it was focused on their dedication to their careers and to bring justice to the people who deserve it. In my opinion, the love line present in this drama felt trivial and I really appreciated how it wasn't the main focus because it had the viewers rooting for justice to be brought in the cases rather than rooting for two characters to end up together. Many times when I was translating comments regarding this drama, many commenters pointed out how the world would be so much better if there were many judges like the main characters. Judges who actually take time to listen to both sides of the case and aren't being swayed by other factors. I also appreciated how the drama didn't drag out one case throughout multiple episodes but would resolve them in a timely manner.

'Miss Hammurabi' ended up being one of my favorite Korean dramas for this year. The drama did an amazing job on being an actual legal drama instead of being another romance k-drama trying to pass off as a legal drama. The acting all felt natural and not overreacted and I think that's because the actors aren't playing stereotypical roles. Kim Myung Soo isn't playing another chic flower boy, Go Ara isn't playing a tomboy or a girl trying to act tough, and Sung Dong Il isn't just another angry ahjussi. These characters in this drama all have a purpose and they're all characters we can relate with. 

I would definitely recommend this drama to any viewer who isn't a huge fan on the stereotypical romance k-drama and is interested in watching dramas that are actually focused on legal issues. And for people who think Kim Myung Soo can't act (I used to be one of them), you need to do watch this because he'll change your opinion.

Here's my review/final thoughts on the drama 'Miss Hammurabi'!
I hope y'all enjoyed it as much as I did~
This summer has been really busy for me so this is like the only drama I kept up with ㅠㅠ
I'm so sad it's over, I'm going to miss all the characters and the always perfect timing of 'IT'S ALRIGHTTTTTT' LOL
Hope everyone is having a good summer!
Talk to you soon!

Sunday, July 15, 2018

[Sunday Variety Roundup] Running Man, All the Butlers, 1N2D

1. [+3123, -97] Jennie was really cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+1080, -33] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Jendeukie hard carried today's episode, the horror room was really funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ congrats on the holy losing hand ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+670, -35] I wasn't a fan but I became a fan while watching 'Running Man', really cute 

4. [+636, -30] It was my first time knowing that Jennie was this charming ㅋㅋㅋ her unexpected charm is awesome, she's really cute

5. [+376, -25] I don't really know her but I cried while laughing    

1. [+384, -5] Ah seriously ㅋㅋㅋ did she really choose all the bombs ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

2. [+106, -5] This is legendary forreal ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+70, -7] She's seriously so cute Jennie ㅜㅜ

4. [+48, -4] Ah I really cried while laughing, Jennie is so cute ㅠㅠㅠ   

1. [+710, -35] Lee Seung Gi did really well, Seol Min Suk-ssi jjang 

2. [+477, -65] Lee Sang Yoon did the most well!

3. [+424, -21] Lee Seung Gi's lecture was really touching, when he said: "Doing nothing is the most anxious thing", that really hit home ❤️

4. [+251, -13] I really enjoyed Lee Seung Gi's lecture and I was really impressed by it, anxiety needs to push through by itself, if you stay still - you won't resolve it 

1. [+149, -10] Not only did Defconn have a black knight pass but Jung Joon Young also had one ㅋㅋ This is ridiculous, what's the point of playing games for 2 weeks 

2. [+96, -2] Moodori PD, don't live like that. Joon Young-ie is getting shitted on on his own, Young Bae becomes the most pitiful one. What is this? 

3. [+87, -4] If it was the 1N2D members who were their own black knights, I wouldn't know but it's a bit off-putting seeing someone else who's not a member receiving the penalty, if they were going to do this why did they do the games ㅋㅋㅋ (t/n: the commenter is basically saying that they wouldn't care if it was the 1N2D members being each others' black knights and taking the penalty but they find it off-putting/so-so seeing how a random person taking the penalty) 

4. [+81, -3] Isn't it a bit forced to force a person who's afraid of heights to skydive? Why did the staff plan that from the start when they know that most of the members have a fear of heights? 

5. [+73, -4] To be honest, Jung Joon Young's black knight was hella forced....I thought they were going to dive together;;      


Friday, July 13, 2018

[I Live Alone Roundup] Han Hye Jin spends quality time with her mom by farming and painting together

1. [+2973, -65] If they're not getting married because of 'I Live Alone' then just get married and let's do a corner within the corner called 'We Live Together' ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They're a really pretty couple!!
↪ [+139, -0] A corner within a corner ㅋㅋㅋ that's clever ㅎㅎ

2. [+1445, -38] It seems like they're going to get married 

3. [+846, -77] When guys like Jun Hyun Moo get married, they're really good when it comes to family-oriented things. I hope they have good results 
↪ [+291, -7] Last time on a show, Jun Hyun Moo said that he doesn't have friends he can drink with. As a woman, guys like him are so much better than guys who have a lot of friends

4. [+488, -12] The fact that she shares the same hobby as her mom is seriously the best!!

5. [+259, -41] They're seriously a pretty couple     

1. [+3487, -69] These two seriously look so good together ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

2. [+1934, -30] I feel like they're going to get married ㅋ
↪ [+348, -1] I feel like they're preparing for the wedding.. Seeing how they're testing the Rainbow Club members, I think they're going to leave the show
↪ [+139, -2] Ah if Jun Hyun Moo and Han Hye Jin leaves then what fun will the show be worth watching for... No..   

3. [+1113, -22] If they're not thinking about marriage then there's no point of making the effort in sending flowers for Parents' Day, they're dating seriously 
↪ [+280, -5] And he drove 150 km/hr to drop her off to Hongchun... They're saying that it's a drive but it seems like he's really good to her 
↪ [+119, -1] If they get married, I think they'll naturally just leave ㅠㅠ It's 'I Live Alone', do you think they'll come out.. that's why it makes me think if that's why they naturally made Simon D a fixed cast member..

4. [+990, -24] But I think if they get married and leave 'I Live Alone', it's going to be sad.. But still with Jun Hyun Moo, I acknowledge that he's good at MCing 

5. [+455, -18] Must be nice, I want to receive love too  


Sunday, July 1, 2018

[I Live Alone Roundup] Lee Si Eon's baseball dreams come true, Simon D tries being the new chairman for a day

1. [+1823, -51] Today was really funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+1427, -23] The feeling where It feels like you have to watch 'I Live Alone' so that it feels like the weekday comes to an end and the weekend is starting ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+1103, -18] Jae Cheon-nim's daughter really looks like him but just like Jun Hyun Moo said she really resembles him prettily ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's always really fun whenever Lee Si Eon's friends come out 

4. [+463, -30] Athlete Kim Won Jung is handsome ㅠㅜㅜ He's the starting pitcher today, throw well fighting!!! 

5. [+327, -20] Lee Bo Yeo-ie is killing it~ (t/n: The commenter is writing their comment in a Busan dialect, Lee Bo Yeo-ie is Lee Bo Yeon which is Lee Si Eon's birth name)     

1. [+1586, -138] I like Simon D ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+1171, -60] Simon D seems alright and even if it's not for chairman, it feels like it'll be alright when he throws comments from time to time... I don't see it negatively... it seems like he's become close with Kian and he seems close with the other members (t/n: there's been a lot of comments where people were opposed to Simon D becoming a fixed panel member)

3. [+597, -45] It kind of feels like Jun Hyun Moo is preparing to leave 'I Live Alone' ㅠㅠ 

4. [+565, -125] Simon D, let's go for becoming a fixed cast member

5. [+439, -21] It seems like Jun Hyun Moo and Han Hye Jin are going to leave now, seeing how they're picking a new chairman and adding new members  
