Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Apple announces the new second generation AirPods

Original Source (ZDNetKorea via Naver): Apple, reveals new AirPods...Adds new wireless charging feature

1. [+683, -17] They should’ve at least made them in Black - ah it’s really nothing special

2. [+569, -13] The people who fucking held out failed

3. [+140, -10] I don’t use Siri ㅋㅋ The people who bought the first generation AirPods are the winners

4. [+133, -11] No but ah fuck Tim Cook that bastard… Why did I fucking wait

5. [+116, -5] What the, they extended the battery life and that’s it??

6. [+39, -0] AirPods 1.1 generation
